Vesen by Truls Krane Meby

The last time we were all together was at the Mattima gathering in Berlin in October 2019. Many things have happened that have moved Mattima forward since that time almost two years ago. I will try to recap. Truls Krane Meby’s fiction film Vesen was shot in the Lofoten Islands in Norway in the summer of 2019, and he kept filming in Berlin since then, even after the pandemic began, but with strict safety measures! Filming ended towards the end of 2020 and now he has been editing it while he and producer Andrew Grant have been trying to raise the additional funding required to finish it with music and VFX.

The film is a playful, apocalyptic drama-comedy about a young woman’s search for meaning in a world that moves faster than her human form can handle. We are very much looking forward to seeing the film on the big screen sometime later this year if the pandemic allows it.

From producer Andrew Grant:
Though there are many relationship films made by and about the 30-something generation, this one isn’t a typical romantic comedy, and its plot turns are highly unexpected.” About the experience of working with Truls, Andrew adds, “I was a huge fan of his short works, so when he suggested we collaborate on this project, I was thrilled about the opportunity. Initially we set out to just make it a short film, but after those days in Norway, with such an incredible pair of lead actors, we realized…this has got to be a feature! We’re both so excited to share this with the world later this year…