Recently funded

Some good news came from the Norwegian Film Institute about another project in the Mattima stable, The Cabinet of Dr. Winge. We received a production grant in the final week of March, and are now very close to being fully financed. Silje-Tamara and I are characters in this essayistic film which is about a 70-year-old roll of film and a car ride through our hometown of Mo i Rana

“This is a very creative and quirky project which has matured quite a lot during the last year. Coming from different professional backgrounds, Ane-Martha and Silje-Tamara naturally adds separate perspectives to the narrative, something that suits the project excellently. A physical and meta-physical journey, in time and space, reality and fiction. I’m super-stoked for the shoot later this year” – Øyvind

Andrew is producing another interesting film, the personal documentary Insight directed by Kristin Nordsæter, which has received funding from the Midt-Norsk Filmsenter, and is currently in development. Here is what he has to say about Kristin’s film:

What appeals to me about the film is the universality of it – and its core story of love and loss, of challenges and failures, of joy and sadness – will appeal to audiences just as much outside of Norway as inside. And though Ole Jonas Storli is not known as well outside of Norway as he is in his home country, his very character (along with his music!) will find him with a whole new set of fans through this very intimate portrait of him and his relationship with Kristin.