The pandemic and various levels of shutdown continue in Norway, Germany, and the rest of the world. Covid times have been challenging for many of us, but one good thing that came out of it was the Time Capsule Project that we took part in. The project, an initiative by The North Norwegian Film Center and Filmfond Nord, invited filmmakers connected to the region to document and interpret their new daily life during the pandemic. Have a look at the films our filmmakers contributed to the project:

Days of Flux




Corona Diary: A Producer’s Tale

Time Capsule_Untitled 2020

I kamera

And on that note, something non-film-related: Remember to talk to each other and reach out to people that you haven’t heard from in a while. We all crave and need connection, especially now that we have been more or less deprived of it for over a year. This year has taken so much from so many, stay safe!